Fair Housing and What You Need to Know
By: CHRIS JOHNSON Realtor - Property Manager Weichert Realtors, Towne & Country Property Management; Lexington, KY As landlords and property managers we are required by law to observe the Federal Fair Housing Act. (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968) These laws are designed to protect certain classes of people that might otherwise be discriminated against intentionally or unintentionally. Protected Classes include: Race Color Religion Sex Familial Status Handicap National Origin It should also be noted that some local ordinances may even have additional protected classes so it would be good to make sure that you know what these are. The department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) oversees the enforcement of the fair housing act. Under the Fair Housing Act no one involved in the sale or renting of housing may discriminate against one of the protected classes: By refusing to rent or sell housing By making housing unavailable By ...